Auditor faults FAA review of pilots of small private planes

Auditor faults FAA review of pilots of small private planes


A government watchdog says federal regulators lack the ability to verify whether private pilots are eligible for more relaxed medical requirements and whether the looser rule is compromising air safety.

The Transportation Department’s inspector general examined the Federal Aviation Administration’s ability to oversee a program that lets pilots of small planes fly without undergoing the normal medical-certification process. More than 55,000 pilots have registered for the alternate approach, called BasicMed.

The inspector general found that the FAA could not verify pilots’ eligibility for BasicMed – which includes having a valid driver’s license -- because it isn’t set up to flag all incidents that could lead to revocation of a license, such as reckless driving or being involved in a fatal wreck. Also, the auditor said FAA cannot verify that doctors who examine the pilots are licensed.

The FAA set up a group last year to study whether pilots using BasicMed are riskier than those with medical certificates. However, FAA told the inspector general that it needs several more years of accident data. Further, the auditor said FAA can’t make “a meaningful comparison” of accident and death rates because it doesn’t track hours flown by BasicMed pilots.

FAA’s director of audit and evaluation, Clayton Foushee, said small private planes operated by BasicMed pilots represent “very low risk to the general public” -- similar to balloons and gliders, which don’t require pilot medical certificates either. The BasicMed program, he added, “provided benefits by removing unnecessary aviation regulatory burdens.”

But, Foushee said, FAA said it plans to act by next July 31 on the inspector general’s recommendations to improve verification of pilot driver licenses and doctors and develop a way to compare...

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