Woman who caked make up on since the age of 10 old bravely bares severe acne on Instagram
Woman who caked make up on since the age of 10 old bravely bares severe acne on Instagram

Since the age of 10, Miranda Morris has been struggling with severe, painfulcystic acne.

But now, with the love and support of her family, she has made anInstagram account documenting her condition which has given her a new foundconfidence.

Aged 23, she has spent most of her life ‘caking on’ make-up to tryto cover up the painful blemishes, but has decided to share bare-faced postsof herself, whilst going through treatment.

That was when, on the advice ofher doctor, she decided to try Accutane, a strong medication used to treatacne and skin cancer.

It is no easy treatment and was very much a last resortfor Miranda, who was prescribed a four-month course.