Segway’s holiday sales take up to 60% off select e-scooters and GoKarts starting from $290

Segway’s holiday sales take up to 60% off select e-scooters and GoKarts starting from $290



As part of its Holiday sales, Amazon is now taking *up to 60% off* a selection Segway’s line of electric scooters and GoKarts. One of the standout deals among this group is the Segway Ninebot GT2P SuperScooter for $2,499 shipped. Down from its regular $4,000 price tag, this scooter has only seen five previous discounts over the course of the year, with the majority of them happening in short-lived periods. The biggest among them was first seen during October’s fall Prime Day deals and again for Black Friday. Today’s deal comes in as a 38% markdown off the going rate that beats out its Black Friday pricing by $200 and gives you $1,501 in savings, marking a new all-time low.


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