United Nations Votes for Investigation Into Alleged Russian Rights Abuses in Ukraine
United Nations Votes for Investigation Into Alleged Russian Rights Abuses in Ukraine

United Nations Votes for Investigation, Into Alleged Russian , Rights Abuses in Ukraine.

Al Jazeera reports that the United Nations' Human Rights Council has agreed to set up a commission to investigate Russia's invasion of Ukraine for possible war crimes.


Al Jazeera reports that the United Nations' Human Rights Council has agreed to set up a commission to investigate Russia's invasion of Ukraine for possible war crimes.


On March 4, 32 of the council's 47 members voted to establish a high-level probe.


Yevheniia Filipenko, Ukraine's ambassador, reportedly told the council there was , “irrefutable evidence of gross and systematic human rights violations as well as war crimes and crimes against humanity by Russia.".

Thirteen countries reportedly abstained from voting, including China, Venezuela and Cuba.


Only Russia and Eritrea voted against the probe.


The message to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has been clear: You’re isolated on a global level and the whole world is against you, Yevheniia Filipenko, Ukrainian ambassador, via Al Jazeera.

The message to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has been clear: You’re isolated on a global level and the whole world is against you, Yevheniia Filipenko, Ukrainian ambassador, via Al Jazeera.

According to Al Jazeera, the commission is expected to produce a report by early 2023.


The exact focus of the investigation remains undefined, however one diplomat reportedly said the commission will investigate the "root causes" of the conflict.


The exact focus of the investigation remains undefined, however one diplomat reportedly said the commission will investigate the "root causes" of the conflict.


Al Jazeera reports that hundreds of civilians have been killed since the invasion began just over a week ago.


Over 1.2 million Ukrainians have been forced to flee from their homes.