Want to invest like Warren Buffettt? Now you can with the Buffettology Smaller Companies Investment Trust

Want to invest like Warren Buffettt? Now you can with the Buffettology Smaller Companies Investment Trust

Proactive Investors


Is Warren Buffett headed to the UK? Well, more in spirit than in body. For the 90-year-old Sage of Omaha’s investment philosophy that turned him into one of the world’s most successful stock-pickers will be at the heart of a trust that also takes his name. The Buffettology Smaller Companies Investment Trust is aiming to raise at least £100mln, which it will plough into some of the market’s hidden gems. It is the brainchild of Sanford DeLand, the boutique asset manager behind the top-performing SDL UK Buffettology fund inspired by billionaire head of Berkshire Hathaway. The listed vehicle will be run by Keith Ashworth-Lord, the driving force behind the highly-rated, £1.4bn SDL UK Buffettology fund. Over the last three years, it has delivered a 30% return and is ranked second out of more than 200 similar funds for its five-year performance. Its top holding is Games Workshop, which accounts for just under 10% of the portfolio. In a statement on the launch of the listing of the new trust, chief investment officer Ashworth-Lord said: "We believe that the UK small-cap market offers excellent investment opportunities to experienced managers who know what to look for and have the freedom to take a long-term view. “Our business perspective investing approach is ripe for application to smaller companies and presents an opportunity to deliver superior returns for our shareholders, over the long-term.” Buffettology will be quoted on the premium segment of the official list. The prospectus is expected to be published on or around September 29.

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