Turkey: Putin is the killer of US supremacy

Turkey: Putin is the killer of US supremacy



Turkey's daily Sabah called Russian President Vladimir Putin "the killer of US supermacy." The article penned by Bercan Tutar said that "gentleman Joe Biden" the American president, "violated all generally accepted norms" with his statement about Putin. Thus, the US leader allegedly demonstrated "a typical hysterical reaction" of a person who found himself in a difficult situation. Washington's accusations against Moscow, concerning, in particular, Russia's alleged interference in US elections, demonstrate that the United States has been losing its supremacy lately, the Turkish journalist believes. "In this context, Putin, figuratively speaking, committed a murder, which means he can be considered a murderer, although not in the literal sense of the word. After all, it was this man who killed global supremacy established by the US after the Cold War. He thus took revenge for Soviet Russia, the collapse of which he called the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century," the Turkish journalist wrote. He also believes that now Russia threatens USA's Indo-Pacific strategy, discourages pressure on China and generally continues to expand its influence not only in the Middle East, but also in Southeast and East Asia.

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