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Monday, June 3, 2024

Closed City Council Meeting

Credit: KHSL
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Closed City Council Meeting
Closed City Council Meeting
Closed City Council Meeting on April 7.

The city of chico held a closed city council meeting tonight to discuss the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and how the city plans to help& action news now's vanessa romo has more.

Although the city council meeting was closed--- the public was able to watch it live online and ask questions via email& in tuesday's chico city council meeting--- city manager mark orme discussed the four buckets he believes would slow the speed of covid-19.

The continuity of essential city services& protecting vulnerable populations, mitigating impacts to businesses and jobs and management of public space& if in fact covid 19 breaches our organization, a police officer or a firefighter or any other individual get that, that we are still able to provide services without having to quarantine a whole shift& chico police, fire and code enforcement have all taken steps to keep its employees safe by going mobile, modifying work schedules and quarantining anybody with symptoms. i actively hired on board a homeless solutions coordinator.

Joy came on board in the past week and has been hitting the ground running population is getting those resources necessary like a place with a roof over their head the city of chico is also working with the county to help some of the homeless population shelter in hotels, especially those most vulnerable or symptomatic--- this is called project room key.

As of now there is still no encampment sweeps.

The city will also be opening up more porter potties and hand washing stations.

The city will also provide more signage, increase its social media presence and website resources.

Meter fees will be canceled during this time.

The city hopes it will encourage people to shop locally.

It has also waived all convenience fees.

Vr, ann the city of chico says its hotline is still open for business support and citizens' reports.

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