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Sunday, June 2, 2024

"The virus is here among us... " how to keep you and your family safe from COVID-19

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'The virus is here among us... ' how to keep you and your family safe from COVID-19
"The virus is here among us... " how to keep you and your family safe from COVID-19

There are a lot of questions out there about COVID-19 and things that come with it.

Health officials in Vigo County answered some frequently asked questions.

Here's what you should know.

But first... local leaders are working hard to get the correct information out to the public on covid-19.

News 10's sarah lehman is live now in the newsroom.

Tonight she breaks down the topics plenty of you have been talking about... after a forum with vigo county leaders.


She dispels some myths.

Hundreds of questions came in for these county and health officials.

Questions about covid 19 testing... to things like how can we explain this to our children.

Here are just a few of the answers for questions that came up frequently.

"theres some sense in the community that this isn't that bad here or maybe this things gonna miss us all together.

An that's far from the truth."

Right now -- the truth can be hard to find.

Because officials learn new things about this virus all the tiime.

We are on stay at home orders... and many places are closed.

Excpet grocery stores.

But that doesn't mean you should go just to go.

"is that trip to the store necessary?

Are you going for a jar of spaghetti sauce or are you going for item you've predicted you actually truly need.

/// please send one person from your family as your grocery store person.

Don't send husband wife and three kids shopping."

When your designated person goes to the grocery.

They should still be protecting themselves and others.

This doesn't mean the rest of the family isn't allowed to go outside "we're asking people to stay at home.that does not mean stay in your home we're not trying to ground you like you're a 10 year old who's in trouble /// we want people to be out doors around their homes we want people to go for walks.

We just want you to keep a comfortable distance from people."

But this doesn't mean you can do all regular activitys.

"play grounds are closed!

Do your civic responsibility and stay away from the playgrounds."

It's important to know -- even if this slows down.

It most likely will come back.

"virologists actually believe this is going to be seasonal.

We should get through this first wave if you want to call it that it should lessen or dampen down through the hot summer months it will be back this fall.

It can come back in the winter time we expect it to this year dr brucken says they hope to have a vaccine within 18 to 24 months.

Again -- if you want to watch the whole panel discussion.

You find it over on our website w-t-h-i-t-v dot com.

Live in the newsroom sarah lehman news 10 back to you.

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