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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Church leaders create ways to celebrate Easter from home amid coronavirus shutdown

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Church leaders create ways to celebrate Easter from home amid coronavirus shutdown
Church leaders create ways to celebrate Easter from home amid coronavirus shutdown

The Great Online Easter Egg Hunt allows children to navigate the church virtually searching for eggs and competing for prizes.

Ends of the new bridge.

The covid-19 shutdown has limited the ways churches are able to interact with their 55's jeremy masukevich shows us how church leaders are creating ways for people to celebrate easter outside of the church.

In many ways it's shown us brand new things that we can do as the church.albion wesleyan church pastor mark schnell is looking at the shutdown as an opportunity to extend the church's reach into the community.?lower third: mark schnell, albion wesleyan church pastor sot mark 43:50 it's not ideal to have to do church online.

But it reminds us the church was never about a building.

It's never about cathedrals, it's about people and the presence of god in the people.along with tuning in for online service albion wesleyan created a way for families to get in the easter spirit from home.sot mark 43:18 we are doing the online easter egg hunt and we are pretty excited about this.the great online easter egg hunt allows children to explore the church virtually searching for eggs and compete for prizes.schnell says he has been encouraged by both the community's involvement in the egg hunt and their willingness to interact with the church virtually.sot mark 44:20how can we live out this biblical passage?

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I want you to interact and be talking.

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Instead of saying amen in church you hit the like or the love button twice.the chapel, senior pastor rick hawks says that like schnell he is viewing the shutdown as an opportunity for growth.?phone graphicsot rick 2:59we have been saying since this crisis began that the building is closed but the church is open.

The message hawks has for parents is a message of hope.

And he hopes to continue to see an increase in the number of community members interacting with church services virtually.sot rick 4:28it's not just the chapel that saw a doubling of its audience.

Many churches of various sizes that i have talked to have found they are having twice as many people listening in online.

So its not a chapel thing, it's a god fort wayne, jeremy masukevich, fox 55 news

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