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Global Edition
Saturday, June 1, 2024


Credit: WEVV
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Have been infected with covi?19 in tr?state nursing homes?

But there's some good news to share during this looming pandemic.

A kentucky grandmother is now recovering after becoming infected.... tyler druin shares this miraculous recovery.... ((nats grandma playing piano))) "my temp was high, my blood pressure was lo?

They couldn't get it fixed" a mother and grandm?

And a wife of almost 7 decades?

At 10?

Virgina pearl harris?

Says her love for life and god is keeping her alive?

"i feel very very fortunate and happy to be up here in this room?

"i know some people have horror stories about their mother in law, but not this one" doctors thought it could be the en?

But no?

Doing what she does best?

The matriarch?

Pulling through?

After battling the virus for three weeks?

"once she did start getting better?

Even though it was positive?

I knew she was on the road to recovery" the harris family says its been two months since they've seen their mother and grandma, shes in this room right here behind at the ridgewood nursing facility right here in madisonvill?

They say getting the phone call that she beat the coronavirus was one of the best days of their live?

"i love you all, thank you all and i love you christine" the harris' finding comfort behind the glass?

For now?

Their grandm?

Still in quarantine "you know i would say she makes anyone who walks in the room feel like they are the most important person in the world" "she has been my number one fan since i was little, she started watching me at three weeks old" one of the oldest living covid19 survivors in the world?

Tucked away?

In one of the deadliest, hardest hit counties in west kentucky?

Will live on?

To tell another stor?

Play another song?

And most importantly love her family "it took me a while to make it, but i did the best i could" (((nats?

Grand paying the pian?))) in madisonville?

Tyler druin 44news.

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