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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Over 160 cases in Olmsted County

Credit: KIMT
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Over 160 cases in Olmsted County
Over 160 cases in Olmsted County
We're breaking down the latest information from Olmsted County Public Health

County./// today marks 50 days since olmsted county activated its incident command system to respond to covi?19.

50 days ago?

There wasn't even a confirmed case in the county?

Now there are more than 160.

Kimt news three's raquel hellman joins us live to break down the numbers?

Raquel?xxx live i'm at olmsted county public health?

Which is at the center of the fight against covi?19.

Over the last 50 days they've taken many steps to mitigate the spread of the virus?

Including opening the graham park collaboritve collection site?

Providing transportatio n for those needing to get tested?

And collecting and distributing cloth masks?

Like this one.

So let's get to the very latest numbers.

There are ten new cases?

Bringing the total to 163.

103 of those cases are recovered.

That means 60 are still active.

And the death toll still sits at two.

When i talked to olmsted county public health officials just a few hours ago?

They said there are rumors going around the community that the women?


And children clinic known as wic?

Is closed because of the pandemic.

But they want you to know that's not we are still serving all ofre cy on our rosters.

And we are encouraging anyone who is eligible to contact our office because we are taking new people.

Of course there are some changes to how the wic program is operating.

Meetings are now happening via phone and they're offering curbside delivery of items like specialized baby formula?

To make sure participants still have access to healthy foods?

Nutrition information, and breastfeeding resources.

Live in rochester, raquel hellman, kimt news three.

Public health officials say people aren't seeking emergency care when they should for*no?covi?19 health issues?

Because of fear over the virus.

They want to assure you that emergency departments are open and ready to care for you?

No matter what your

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