Kristen Bell earns scathing review from homeschooled daughter
Kristen Bell earns scathing review from homeschooled daughter

Kristen Bell took to Instagram to share a rather brutal review she received for one of her most recent roles... .not from a film critic, but from her first-grade daughter, Lincoln, who she’s been homeschooling amid the lockdown.“Trying to get my 1st grader to write her first opinion essay, and was quite impressed with the topic she chose,” the “Frozen” star wrote.bell posted a photo of her daughter’s handwritten presentation, titled “How my momy reacts to me”.Among the “bad reactions” the 7-year-old lists are, “doesn’t believe in me,” “no patience” and “stern voice”.“Touche my young lass.

Touche,” Bell commented on her daughter’s work.Fans seemingly got a laugh out of the graphic, with many parents finding that it felt all too familiar