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Global Edition
Saturday, June 1, 2024

nicu changes

Credit: WEVV
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nicu changes
nicu changes
nicu changes

During a pandemic.

This is the case for many women across the tri- state -- who are learning to navigate pregnancy and a historic change.

But as megan diventi reports--health care providers are doing everything it takes to keep our little ones safe.

"going through pregnancy can already be difficult enough--let alone going through a global pandemic at the same time, however tr- state hospitals are making sure both mothers and their babies aer safe during this time."

"they still checked my temperature, asked me questions, and here i am with contractions that are 2 minutes apart and i'm like i don't have time for this."

Saline county native monica waide just gave birth to a healthy baby just yesterday--- "they still got me through it quick, they got my husband through it quick, and i mean i'm surprised."

Waide was around 32 weeks pregnant when the pandemic started to hit--- she's one of many mothers experiencing pregnancy in these unprecedented times--many of her appointments going virtual--- "i had to do my own baby dopplar, i had to check the heart rate myself, blood pressure, alll of that i had to do everything myself, it wasn't that bad, but at the same time it was still the experience of getting to go to the doctor."

Waide's experience is a common one--- at deaconess womens hospital--health professionals are taking similar measures for their patients-- "obviously stopped tours as well as face to face classes-- turned everything to more virtual."

During the first trimester-- appointments have remained the same---buonly one support person is allowed to attend those first appointments with the expecting mother-- delivery is also similar--- "when you have a brand new life that youre bringing into this world that our goal is to keep everybody safe- under these new conditions that of course none of us were really prepared as for what the impact could be for the family."

During this pandemic--- deaconess has delivered 548 babies from march ninth to may 12th.

And as for new mothers---a word from a mom herself-- "take it day by day and dont panic its fine.

You know whats best for your baby."

There are resources available for mothers--all they have to do is contact the womens hospital.

For now reporting in newburgh, m-d 44news.


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