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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Get Fit Friday 5/29/20 - Reopening Regulations

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Get Fit Friday 5/29/20 - Reopening Regulations
Get Fit Friday 5/29/20 - Reopening Regulations

The ladies of the fitness factor are excited to welcome everyone back to gym.

Make sure you're following all rules and guidelines to ensure safety during the reopening of businesses.

Beth jeffers: good morning.

Welcome to get fit friday, i'm beth jeffers joined here with whitney brown.

Whitney brown: good morning.

Beth jeffers: we're at the fitness factor, excited to be here and thankful to be open, for sure.

Whitney brown: that's right.

Beth jeffers: aren't you?

Whitney brown: oh, yeah.

Beth jeffers: we do want to talk to you.

Last week, we talked a little bit about some of the regulations that gyms were requiring, as employees, as well as for you as a participant coming in.

One thing you'll see, your probably gym employee, having a mask on when they're walking around the floor, possibly some gloves.

And also, when you go into your gym, you will need to fill out a form to state that you're safe, and that's every day, safe to work out.

So, but you don't have to feel ... if you haven't gone back yet, we want to talk to you a little bit about what to expect and that you don't really need to feel uncomfortable going back to your gym.

You should have in your gym, some social distancing signs, they should've closed out some of the equipment, moved some of the equipment possibly, to give you some space, for sure.

Whitney brown: that's right.

And so, if you're interested in returning to your gym and haven't already, some of the things that you can do is wear a mask.

You're welcome to take a mask with you.

We have participants here that wear masks while they're here, it's not required by our state.

Beth jeffers: definitely.

Whitney brown: but you're welcome to do that.

You can bring your own equipment.

In fact, we just had one of our members bring in his own foam roller and his own mat, and they had his name on them, so that he's comfortable using that.

So, feel free to bring your own stuff, if you'd like.

Your gyms won't mind at all, and just keep an eye out for some signs, there might be some new policies that your gyms have implemented.

They've probably contacted you and over- communicated that, whether it by email or text, or phone call, or social media, to tell you what they're doing to keep you safe.

Another thing, if you're not ready to go back, don't.

If you're not comfortable, then don't force yourself back.

Beth jeffers: correct.

Whitney brown: there's a lot of online options, your gym might offer them.

Or if you are looking for an online option, we're continuing our virtual training on our facebook page, social media, through the month of may.

So, i mean, there's a lot of options for you.

So, just go back when you feel comfortable.

Beth jeffers: right.

And people, it's a happy place, a gym's a happy place.

We can see the excitement in our members as they come in and see each other.

And one thing that you just do need to be aware of, that you need to keep your social distance indoor.

Whitney brown: that's right.

It's hard not to go hug your buddy, but don't do it.

Beth jeffers: right.

And our members have done great and we're here to tell you that it's been almost two weeks now.

So, we're doing well.

If you don't feel comfortable, bring a mask, bring your own equipment.

Whitney brown: that's

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