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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Dermatologist recommends mask hygiene for pesky breakouts

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Dermatologist recommends mask hygiene for pesky breakouts
Dermatologist recommends mask hygiene for pesky breakouts

The Governor's statewide mask mandate is in place and many are having to wear masks in order to tackle daily tasks.

The statewide mask mandate in place -- we're all finding a way to get used to covering our faces when we go out.

But how do we do it safely..

And correctly?

Action news now reporter karen alvarez is live in redding with what you need to know about masking up.

I spoke to a dermatologist who says with more people wearing masks--- mask hygiene is important to prevent bacteria build up.

Sot(rebecca rogers, shasta county): i wear a mask all the time when we're close to people.

If we're indoors i put it on because i have an elderly mother that i take care of and i'm around a lot of seniors.

But when i'm outside like this, i don't i just try to keep my distance.

'reddingderm' dermatologist dr. craig kraffert says with so many masks out there---choosing which mask is best for you depends on your circumstance.

Masks can be useful in minimizing the spread of coronavirus.

Sot(dr. craig kraffert, dermatologist): the masks that are available are two types, disposable and reusable.

In both cases masks become dirty.

That's why dr. kraffert says ditch the disposable masks after you use them.

But when it comes to reusable masks like cloth coverings---he recommends that you wash them everyday and in hot water.

Sot(dr. craig kraffert, dermatologist): there's a new type of acne it's called maskcne and maskcne is a thing for two reasons.

First there's a thing called acne mechanica where the friction especially on the nose and the cheeks where the mask goes can cause acne just like it does on football players on their chi-strap.

Stand up: dr. kraffert adds that the best way to prevent maskne---acne under your mask---is to cleanse and exfoliate once you remove your mask.

For those masks with the metal bracket---dr. kfraffert says you should put vaseline to reduce skin irritation on the bridge of your nose.

Practicing good hand hygiene is also important.

Sot(robert dean, shasta county): i choose to wear a mask because i feel it's the responsible thing to do and to protect the people at risk it's important.

# rogers, shasta county): i wear a mask all the time when we're close to people.

If we're indoors i put it on because i have an elderly mother that i take care of and i'm around a lot of seniors.

But when i'm outside like this, i don't i just try to keep my distance.

'reddingderm' dermatologist dr. craig kraffert says with so many masks out there---choosing which mask is best for you depends on your circumstance.

Masks can be useful in minimizing the spread of coronavirus.

Sot(dr. craig kraffert, dermatologist): the masks that are available are two types, disposable and reusable.

In both cases masks become dirty.

That's why dr. kraffert says ditch the disposable masks after you use them.

But when it comes to reusable masks like cloth coverings- feel responsible thing t to protect

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