Gov. Hochul Issues Emergency Order Over Migrant Crisis
Gov. Hochul Issues Emergency Order Over Migrant Crisis


Hochul Issues Emergency Order , Over Migrant Crisis.

The governor issued the executive order late on May 9 in an attempt to help New York deal with an influx of migrants.

The governor issued the executive order late on May 9 in an attempt to help New York deal with an influx of migrants.

The influx is expected as Title 42 expires on May 11.

According to Hochul, the order will grant NY the ability to request 500 more National Guard members to assist the city.

According to Hochul, the order will grant NY the ability to request 500 more National Guard members to assist the city.

The order will also allow NY to secure housing and other necessities for migrants.

It is a crisis situation, especially with the suspension of Title 42 on Thursday, Gov.

Kathy Hochul, via statement.

It’s no surprise that there will literally be thousands of more individuals coming across the border and ultimately finding their way to the state of New York, Gov.

Kathy Hochul, via statement.

It’s no surprise that there will literally be thousands of more individuals coming across the border and ultimately finding their way to the state of New York, Gov.

Kathy Hochul, via statement.

Hochul's order may also help to subdue frustrations brought by Mayor Adams' recent announcement of plans to move migrants to empty hotels in Rockland and Orange counties.

We are in communication with the mayor’s team and also helping him find locations within the city limits, opening up state property and talking to other counties that are interested in having people come, Gov.

Kathy Hochul, via statement.

Hochul said a main hurdle is getting migrants approved to begin working legally.

The number one priority for those here is to be able to get a job.

We want them to get employment, but there’s constraint at the federal level as far as their designation, Gov.

Kathy Hochul, via statement