Liberty Conspiracy LIVE 7-13-23! FBI Exposed Again, Mind Meld Guests Chris Graves, Eric Peters!
Liberty Conspiracy LIVE 7-13-23! FBI Exposed Again, Mind Meld Guests Chris Graves, Eric Peters!

With FBI Director Chris Wray exposing his lack of candor, admitting to getting banking info on DC visitors from Jan 6, and more, we look at the "Bureau" today, and consider some of its terrible past.

Our Mind-Meld guest Chris Graves helps us see more by telling us about the Finders Cult and the Franklin Scandal and their ties to child predation, and we also get to talk to liberty-supporter Eric Peters about the newest wrinkle in the EV-government-fascist Climate Cult foolishness!

Join us at Twitter to stream, or Rumble and Rokfin to stream and chat!

And please feel free to share the links, while we're live, or later, if you watch a replay!