Michael Allison on #PJNET.tv 10/24/2023
Michael Allison on #PJNET.tv 10/24/2023

Michael Allison is an International Speaker and Best Selling Author.

He is a Purple Heart Veteran, trauma survivor, business consultant, keynote speaker and life coach, as well as the CEO of The Adversity Academy.

Michael's mission is to inspire, empower and impact people through his books, speaking, mentoring and his podcast.

The mission at The Overcoming Adversity Podcast is for individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

Through the sharing of personal stories of resilience and triumph, they aim to provide a platform for individuals to connect, learn and grow.

They belive that by sharing experiences, they can foster a community of support and encouragement, helping individuals navigate their own journeys of adversity and emerge stronger on the other side.