TikTok Ban: A Trojan Horse Threat To Censor Dissent On Rumble & X? w/ Kali Fontanilla – Ask Dr. Drew
TikTok Ban: A Trojan Horse Threat To Censor Dissent On Rumble & X? w/ Kali Fontanilla – Ask Dr. Drew

China knows TikTok is dangerous.

They've banned the American version of their own app from the country.

So why should the USA allow China to control a direct pipeline to the brains to American kids?

••「 CALL IN & LINKS: https://drdrew.com/3212024 」•• Some experts say it might be MORE dangerous to ban the app, saying the proposal is a "Trojan Horse" that would give extreme censorship powers to the government that could never be returned to the people – and used to suppress dissenting voices and social media platforms like Rumble or X (formerly Twitter).