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Sunday, June 2, 2024

If Covid has driven you or a loved one to depression and substance abuse, turn to CADAS for help.

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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If Covid has driven you or a loved one to depression and substance abuse, turn to CADAS for help.
If Covid has driven you or a loved one to depression and substance abuse, turn to CADAS for help.

If Covid has driven you or a loved one to depression and substance abuse, turn to CADAS for help.

It's just all things cars here to as we the final few minutes.

It was chapter this tuesday.

It is action.

Third, those of you may not be familiar with all he is the executive director of canis the counsel for alcohol o drug services here in chattanooga d six that he is wolcott is a long time you will you and i were talking yesterda and some of the advancements that pay.

This is made over the past two years blows my mind.

Take this picture right here, for example, this is something fairly new to kate's right to write what this is one 2018.

We opened up 24 one-bedroom apartments for people in early recovery permanent residences.

Most most folks want as they get a hold of their lives.

They wanted row and they want to damage to the moveout.

This is an opportunity for folks to a better and variable recovery room at risk of relapse can go in and live in his parlance, they pay on average of 1 to 400 dollars a month for first one- bedroom apartment there all all voucher to the general housing authority.

We got in a relationship ownership with them on these apartments dedicate issued very much in keeping family unit together.

Bethel well you know it's it's it's a family disease is and there's wind.

When people come to us.

It's not, i'd say majority the time it's a family member notices the addition and and brings that the to the attic before taxes really willing to change.

So it's it's a family addiction and we have family programming to so when you come to catos and and stay with us for a while.

You can inspect your family to join you, so that they all note all can work together on the remedy.

Have you seen a lot of relapse for lack of a better word, since the pandemic is in a half we have there's been a significant increase in the the number of relapses and the and the short duration of the recovery program.

It's people just not getting a hold of the the process and it's the outside world is just kinda getting in the way of this is new life and now so yet we have seen an increase in if someone sees or suspects that there something going on in their family there.

Not sure if the addict is truly that it may be just a suspicion that feeling you have resources that can kind of dictate which did or what that exception.

Sure if you got question about that calls up and will do an assessment and that assessment will say anything from well you drink but you don't have a problem all the way to the most severe cases require medical detoxification have all the services available at one of the things that catos has spread the word about for years and this was back before popular to say her to another school thought i, it is an illness edited addiction is an illness it is a sick, it is not a character flaw by choice.

Sure, i think we can lose sight of the fact that probably the most similar diseases to addiction our heart hypertension and diabetes with you don't tend to down on a diabetic, because they have to take insulin right but you you know there is a sting of the surpassing addiction, but it's it's very much a disease and is very much a remedy for it.

Did you have a number of outreach programs. i was looking at just some of them here.

The prevention program for middle and high school students, and yes addiction is a very real thing for people just about any age, including middle and high school student, yes parents, even those of you of center children to private schools.

There is a problem there.

Kate is guilty of identifiable civil tree.

Those problems, and as we've said before, the of the addiction will protect itself always afford avenue join us fo the coming weeks if you're up for it.

You can get in touch with the folks

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